Elder Response Initiative
The Elder Response Initiative began in 2020 and has served more than 450 seniors since it began with one or more of the following free services to help seniors: (1) future/estate planning; (2) assistance with applying for property tax relief; (3) critical home repairs; (4) access to legal representation for property-related issues; (5) healthy cooked meals and groceries twice a week for 108 seniors; and (6) environmental friendly upgrades to seniors’ homes to reduce utility costs and simultaneously address environmental injustices in historically black communities. These services, collectively, are provided to (1) combat displacement associated with rapid growth and gentrification; (2) help seniors maintain their homes and create generational wealth; (3) mitigate the affordable housing crisis; and (4) preserve the history and culture of historically black communities.
Senior Feeding Program
Many seniors, especially black seniors, suffer from various health issues and do not have access to healthy food for several reasons, including living in a food desert. This issue was greatly exacerbated by COVID-19 because even seniors who could go to a grocery store or restaurant have had legitimate fears of doing so due to their age and pre-existing health conditions that make them high risk. To respond to this issue, For The Struggle's Senior Feeding Program was created with the support from the Appalachian Community Fund.
For The Struggle's new Eco-Senior Program reduces energy costs for seniors on fixed incomes while simultaneously addressing environmental injustices in historically and predominantly black communities.
Apply Now. Click Here to download your Eco-Senior Application.
Email your completed application to our Senior Intake Specialist, Jayla Brooks at jbrooks@ftsinc.org
Eco- Senior Program
Critical Home Repair Program
The Critical Home Repair Program focuses specifically on assisting seniors in historically and predominately black communities with completing critical home repairs. This is an attempt to achieve equity and economic mobility for communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the negative effects of gentrification, displacement, redlining and more.
Apply Now.
Click Here to download your Critical Home Repair Application.
Email your completed application to our
Senior Intake Specialist, Jayla Brooks at jbrooks@ftsinc.org
or call 704-800-6628
Future Planning Services
FTS partners with volunteer attorneys to complete the following future planning documents free of charge: Wills, Power of Attorney, and Trusts.
Apply Now. Click Here to download your Future Planning Intake Form.
Email your completed Future Planning Intake form to our Senior Intake Specialist, Jayla Brooks at jbrooks@ftsinc.org
Property Tax Relief
For Seniors who qualify, property tax bills can be significantly reduced by submitting a property tax relief application. FTS prints the tax relief applications, assists each Senior with completing their application, and submits the completed application by the annual deadline.